Скільки коштує обліковий запис Axie Infinity?

Три weeks after the initial attack and 2 weeks after it was disclosed, the FBI formally attributed the attack to the Lazarus Group and APT38, Nation-state threat groups tied to в North Korean government.

In game utility One quality that makes Axie Infinity a good investment opportunity, is the utility that the token has in powering the game. Game currently has over 2.8 million daily players, з whopping $3.6 billion of AXS traded in game. Як ці номери multiply, AXS coin could rise in value.

Players can earn SLP через Arena Mode in Axie Infinity. SLPs є в ході гри або теки, які можуть бути використані для breed more Axies or convert to real life currency. Ранним доступом до клієнта Axie Infinity's Origin update currently does no allow players to earn tokens in-game.