Що означає wheely?

У автомобільних акробатик, wheelie, або wheelstand, є a vehicle maneuver in which the front wheel or wheels come off the ground due to sufficient torque being applied to the rear wheel or wheels, or rider motion relative to the vehicle.

Фізично, wheelies є результатом acceleration з'єднаний з шорсткою wheelbase і relativne high center of gravity. Off-road, a wheelie is useful in letting you hit troublesome terrain with the back wheel, решта , що мають barи, відкинуті з ваших речей, щоб зробити те, що log або boulder with the front.

“There є два factors, що виготовляють wheelstand,” says Austin Coil, legendary crew chief for even-more-legendary Funny Car driver John Force. “One of them is torque of the rear axle, and the other is the center of gravity.” Academia has made far too малого effort to explain the dynamics of the wheelie.